What is the faith that leads to salvation?

What is the faith that leads to salvation?

지은이 : 우슬초
출간일 : 2024-08-06
판매가 : 2,000원
포멧 : PDF


This book contains the articles that I recently wrote on the Facebook under the title “What is the faith that leads to salvation? - unravelling in the original language” And contains details about the faith of being saved.

As a truth seeker, I tell you that I do not write in a redemptive point of view. I purely search only what truth can be found in the Bible

It is because you can find numbers of people who writes in the viewpoint of redemption history, and it is worthwhile to find out only the truth, not the viewpoint of redemption history.

I pray that through this book you will have a good understanding about “what the faith that leads to salvation is.”


Chapter 1. Preface

Chapter 2. The present state of Soteriology
Section 1. If you believe, you will be saved.
Section 2. We can be saved by the faith having action.
Section 3. Salvation must be achieved throughout life.

Chapter 3. ‘Faith’ and ‘Believe’

Chapter 4. Individual Bible Verse Consideration
Section 1. Romans 10:10 (NIV)
Section 2. John 3:36 (NIV)
Section 3. John 1:12 (NIV)
Section 4. 1 Peter 2:2 (NIV)

Chapter 5. Related Matters
Section 1. The Redeemer
Section 2. Do we have to achieve our salvation?
Section 3. If you believe in Jesus, will you be saved no matter how you live?

Chapter 6. Conclusion
Section 1. We are saved at once by the πίστις(pistis).
Section 2. What is the Faith that leads to Salvation?


Chapter 1. Preface

I have something I want to tell you first of all. It is about the word ‘faith’ and ‘believe’ in the Bible. When it is used as a noun, it is mostly used as ‘faith’, and when used as a verb, mostly used as ‘believe’. The reason I say this first of all is because it is the premise of the subject I want to talk about in this book.

Today, the soteriology of Christianity(Protestantism) is confusing not only in Korea but also around the world.

This is because the divided denominations teach different soteriology in the seminaries they established, and the people who had received grace or the response of the direct revelation graduated from the theology seminary and were mass-produced as pastors and pushed into the pastoral front.

In other words, it’s because people who need to learn for a long time, who do not have a view of salvation or their own faith, teach others.

And as the old saying that empty carts are loud, these kinds of pastors are called to famous prayer houses and to revival meetings of churches...

That is why the faith of the saints has fallen because the tendency that it is only necessary to give grace, whether the Bible content is messed up or not is so prevalent.

As a result, today, falsehood got the hegemony and those who teach righteously have been condemned as heretics and lost their place. This may be one of the signs of the end.

So, in this book, I examined through the Bible written by the original language, what faith we should have so as to be saved. And I examined the words that we can be saved by faith in the Bible, and finally concluded through what faith we can be saved through the original language.

Chapter 2. The present state of Soteriology

Section 1. If you believe, you will be saved.

The current trend of Korean soteriology is that if we believe in Jesus, we will be saved. And what we believe is that God loved the world and sent his only begotten Son Jesus, and that the Lord Jesus took the sins of all mankind, died, overcame death, and was resurrected.

Someone among those who claim this kind of belief says that if we say we should have obedience or even action, it is salvation by action, and if anyone has that kind of belief, he or she should go to hell. In other words, we can be saved only by belief, and the believers show action or obedience naturally, and if we say that we can be saved when we have action or obedience, it is the salvation by action.

* In English, there are two kinds of words – faith and belief.
But Koreans only know belief and have little idea of faith.
And most of the people think that they can be saved by belief not by faith.

In addition to that, there is someone who says that if we believe in Jesus and become children of God, or if we believe in the Lord very well, we can be blessed by God and everything goes well.

And the basis of these claims is as follows.

(John 1:12, NIV)
Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.

(Romans 10:9, NIV)
If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

(Roman 10:10, NIV)
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

(Ephesians 2:8-9, NIV)
8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—
9 not by works, so that no one can boast.

Section 2. We can be saved by the faith having action.

However, some say that we can be saved by the faith having action. These kind of believers say that we can not be saved only by faith but by faith and action. In Catholicism, it is said that people can be saved by faith and deeds. The basis of these claims is as follows.

(Matthew 7:21, NIV)
Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.

(James 2:14, NIV)
What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him?

(Galatians 5:19-21, NIV)
19 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality,r impurity and debauchery;
20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions
21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like.s I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

(Revelation 21:8, NIV)
But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”


저서 - 신앙서적(70권)

1) 구약성경 100문 100답
2) 신약성경 100문 100답
3~4) 익숙한 성경 구절 바로 알기(전2권)
5) 잘못 번역된 한글 성경 구절들
6) 신약성경의 (없음) 연구

7) 하나님은 누구신가?

8) 천국에 들어가려면
9) 당신은 지금 죽으면 천국 갈 수 있는가?
10) Faith and belief
11) What is the faith that leads to salvation?
12) 성경을 성경으로 푼 성경적 구원론
13) 구원받는 믿음은 어떤 믿음인가?

14) 성경이 말씀하는 우주 창조
15) 창조에서 종말까지
16) 기독교 교리 단상
17) 사도신경 강해
18) 다시 쓰는 사도신경 강해
19) 주기도문 강해
20) 평신도 및 목회자를 위한 구원론 브리핑

21) 이것이 바른 신앙이다
22) 바른 신앙을 찾아서
23) 기독교 신앙 입문서
24) 주님 안에서 안식하는 신앙
25) 순수한 성경적 신앙
26) 기독교 신앙 단상
27) 현대교회의 방언 성경적인가?

28~30) 어린이 설교집(전3권)
31) 신앙 단계별 말씀 설교
32) 성경이 말씀하는 복 있는 사람

33) 성경 한 장으로 전도하기

34) 더 밀레니엄(천년왕국)
35) 지구 마지막 날 일어날 일들

36) 기독교인들이 잘못 알고 있는 기독교 상식들
37) 천국에 가서 알게 된 사실들
38) 영어 & 기독교

39) 기독교 신앙상담 Q&A
40) 평신도 및 목회자를 위한 구원론 Q&A
41) 평신도 및 목회자를 위한 창조론&종말론 Q&A
42) 평신도 및 목회자를 위한 신론&인간론 Q&A
43) 평신도 및 목회자를 위한 기도론&은사론 Q&A
44) 평신도 및 목회자를 위한 성령론&교회론 Q&A
45) 평신도 및 목회자를 위한 요한계시록 Q&A
46) 평신도 및 목회자를 위한 요나서 Q&A
47) 평신도 및 목회자를 위한 히브리서 Q&A
48) 평신도 및 목회자를 위한 로마서 Q&A
49) 평신도 및 목회자를 위한 다니엘서 Q&A
50) 평신도 및 목회자를 위한 마태복음 Q&A
51) 평신도 및 목회자를 위한 창세기 Q&A
52) 평신도 및 목회자를 위한 사도행전 Q&A
53) 평신도 및 목회자를 위한 욥기 Q&A
54) 평신도 및 목회자를 위한 야고보서 Q&A
55) 평신도 및 목회자를 위한 에베소서 Q&A
56) 평신도 및 목회자를 위한 빌립보서ㆍ골로새서 Q&A
57) 평신도 및 목회자를 위한 데살로니가 전후서 Q&A
58) 평신도 및 목회자를 위한 베드로 전후서 Q&A
59) 평신도 및 목회자를 위한 디모데 전ㆍ후서 및 디도서 Q&A
60) 평신도 및 목회자를 위한 갈라디아서 Q&A
61) 평신도 및 목회자를 위한 요한복음 Q&A
62) 평신도 및 목회자를 위한 고린도전서 Q&A
63) 평신도 및 목회자를 위한 고린도후서 Q&A
64) 평신도 및 목회자를 위한 유다서 Q&A
65) 평신도 및 목회자를 위한 기독교 핵심주제 Q&A
66) 평신도 및 목회자를 위한 성막론 Q&A
67) 평신도 및 목회자를 위한 창세기 1~3장 Q&A
68) 평신도 및 목회자를 위한 요한 1,2,3서 Q&A
69) 평신도 및 목회자를 위한 말라기 Q&A
70) 원어로 푸는 마가복음 Q&A